Volunteering Part 1: How I Rescued the Wetlands

I saved the entire northern California duck population by fixing a wagon wheel for the Yolo Basin Foundation (YBF). Of course, I can't prove that, but I still felt great when I finished.

The volunteer experience at a non-profit is as unique as the person fixing the wagon wheel. It's easy to help and full of learning opportunities, yet it could feel intimidating to step up. However, having worked with leaders and as an officer in a volunteer-dependent organization, I understand volunteers are the lifeblood, the backbone, and the legs of a non-profit.

I've made service essential to my career and donated my time liberally. Here are notes from my recent journey that may help a new or returning volunteer:

Start small. To get started, I looked for a bite-sized chore, relatively easy to perform but valuable to the organization. For example, on their list of tasks supplied by the volunteer coordinator, YBF needed to repair a flat tire on a utility wagon. "We use these wagons constantly. They really get a workout," said Corky Quirk, YBF's Program Coordinator. Corky and crew have exposed countless children to the wonders of the wetlands and shaped the future of conservation and stewardship. The ducks needed me to fix this wagon wheel.

Choosing a task with firm boundaries allowed me to visit with staff, set foot on the grounds, and come away feeling like I contributed. The kindness and support I received from the team were terrific. It's good to remember they want you to succeed. And they need you to come back!

I will attend a tree planting session with the Putah Creek Council in January. They make it easy to help by allotting the time required and providing the tools and instruction. Then, you show up, plant, and you're done! Afterward, whenever you drive by, you can say, "I planted that tree!"

With the tire repaired and air in the tube, I remounted the wheel to the wagon. When I stood to admire my work, a flock of ducks flew over in a V-formation. The lead duck winked and tipped her wing. I saluted and drove home.


About this Illustration

I have a strong preference for clean design, much like most designers. It's quite common for clients to ask me to create something similar to Apple's design.

However, hand-drawn illustrations have the potential to make a statement in contrast to software-based graphic design and illustration. They bring an authentic, humorous, personal, and trustworthy tone that is often missing in stock photos and videos.

Are you using illustrations to reinforce your messaging? Consider it for:

  • Describing a process

  • Mapping a location with important highlights

  • Adding visuals to testimonials

  • Explaining how to use your product

  • Boosting social media posts


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